Timely Tips for Travelers Agents

12 December, 2018 0

NEW Distracted Driving Video

Unfinished Stories

Travelers is working to change driving habits and save lives. Distracted driving goes  beyond texting and driving.  It’s driving while eating, or using a GPS, or reaching for a napkin. Each day nine people are killed by distracted driving in the US alone – their lives cut short, their stories left unfinished.

Today we are launching Unfinished Stories, a campaign to tell the stories of real people who were killed by a distracted driver. Only we imagined the lives they could have lived had the driver not been distracted.

Our first video heroes Philip, a 19 year-old runner with dreams of competing the the highest levels at the time he was killed. We hope you’ll be moved by this video and share it. Together we can make an impact and save lives.